Thursday, 29 March 2007

Stuff from this week #2

The Chaser rated well in its new spot on Wednesday nights, in fact they doubled their average from last year. Must be those billboards in Iraq...

Arise Sir Bono!

Cool astronomy stuff: Hexagonal feature on Saturn.

Episode 7 of Chad Vader is out. This one is funnier than the last couple :)

Space junk (apparently) nearly hit a LAN Chile aeroplane. The Russians had warned that parts of a Progress cargo carrier would re-enter the atmosphere east of New Zealand, but according to SMH this was to be 12 hours later than the aeroplane's sighting.

The SMH and WWF are encouraging Sydneysiders to turn off their lights for an hour starting at 7.30pm on Saturday 31st March (they are calling this Earth Hour) to help do something about climate change. It will be interesting to see how many people do turn off their lights (we will be!). Good to see someone taking a lead on this, especially since John Howard has only made baby steps on climate change (cough..election year...cough)

Funny answers to exam questions

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Wednesday, 28 March 2007

New Zealand 2007 Photos

Nearly 2 months after our New Zealand trip finished I have finally organised our photos and put them up on our new photos site!
As well as the NZ photos I also included the ones we had previously put up from our USA 2006 trip. Each photo album now includes a slideshow feature (activated by the link on the top right of the individual photo page) and a couple of the photos have a link back to Google Maps for their location.

This is all part of a plan to organise all our digital photos in iPhoto. Once trips/events are done I plan to upload up another album.

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Saturday, 24 March 2007

Stuff from this week #1

Looks like the Chaser guys are back for another year of pranks. Still we have to wait until March 28th (on Wednesdays instead of Fridays like last year) until the new series starts. Oh and checkout their billboards.

Qantas has landed an A380 at LAX, the pic shows it dwarfs the 747.

Will It Blend? Well according to these guys, yep! They try iPods, Coke cans, glow sticks and light globes.

Further proof that you can sell anything on eBay, a time machine is up for grabs! Quite obviously it is fake. It has neither a flux capacitor or is powered by a black hole!

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Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Hot Fuzz

Last weekend we saw Hot Fuzz which we both can recommend. Basically it's a piss take on the buddy cop films from the guys that made Shaun of the Dead (what next, a western, sci-fi, period drama??). Whilst Ruby didn't like Shaun, she sure laughed at lot during Hot Fuzz.
Ben: 4 stars, Ruby: 4 stars.

Bonus points for working out what's up with Bill Bailey's character and lots of extra points for those who spot both Peter Jackson and Cate Blanchett (we didn't!).



Starting a blog...

My first ever blog posting! Wow :P

Now seriously, why did I choose to start a blog now?? Well, the simple answer is I want to better exercise my writing skills (creative or otherwise!) whether for my opinion on current events or just something I feel compelled to write about. I am finding that my writing (or getting to writing) has become a bit rusty of late (even for things like emails) and I have gotten rather good a procrastinating about starting writing. Hmmm, I think my procrastination is inversely proportional to my typing speed :)

OK so thats great, what am I actually going to write about? At this stage anything that comes to mind like my thoughts on current events politics (federal and NSW state elections in Australia this year), things Ruby and I are up to, funny stuff I find on the interweb to our photos (yeah the photos part of the website is going to be up soon) and movie reviews.

Oh and no guarantees on updates, that will depend on my schedule. Best to make use of the RSS feed to see when there are updates. Lets see how this experiment goes :)

